Jesus is hanging out with his disciples and asks them, "who do you say I am?" Simon answers, "you're the one, you're the messiah, you're the son of God" Simon didn't really know what he was saying, he didn't have it all figured out yet... But Jesus says, no one taught you that, your father in heaven revealed it to you. Then he gives Simon a new name, Peter "the Rock" and says i'm going to build my church on that. Not on Peter's ideas, on the fact that our Father reveals Jesus to us. Peter was a screw up just like the rest of us, he had doubts, he had fears, he didn't understand much of what he'd seen Jesus do or say, he would later run away and deny what he knew was true. But somewhere inside he knew Jesus was who he said he was, he knew he was the one they were waiting for, and that was enough to know Jesus was the one who would rescue us.